Kingdoms of
Open Beta 2024
 Editor Plugin Wiki

The AGC-Editor plugin is our custom made MC ingame World Editor.
On the Kingdoms Server, only Admins and Builders have access to this plugin.

Main use of the plugin will be using a selection or the brush.
Selection is two points you select to define a cuboid similar to the WorldEdit plugin.
Brush uses a single point with different settings similar to the VoxelSniper plugin.

 Main Commands
/editorShow Main Menu.
/settoolSet selected/held item as Editor Tool.
/esetShow current settings.
/eselShow Selection Menu.
/ebrushShow Brush Menu.
/enatureShow Nature Menu.
 Brush Commands
/ebrushShow Brush Menu.
/eresetReset brush settings.
/brushToggle brush on/off.
/setbrush <shape>Set brush shape.
/settype <type>Set brush type.
/setsize <#>Set brush size.
/setvert <#>Set brush vertical.
/setmat <mat>Set primary material.
/setrmat <mat>Set alternate material.
 Selection Commands
/eselShow Selection Menu.
/copy Copy selection.
/cut Cut selection.
/paste Paste selection.
/set <mat>Change selection to material.
/rotate <#>Rotate selection given degrees.
/expand <dir> <#>Expand selection given direction and amount.
/sethelpManual Selection Menu.
/undoUndo last change.
/undo listList stored changes.
/undo nextSkip to prior change.
/undo select <#>Select change by list ID #.